jueves, 21 de febrero de 2013

Manual of geology for Engineers

Manual of geology for engineers (2003); Duque-Escobar, Gonzalo. National University of Colombia, Manizales.(Rev. 2013). Digital Text in Spanish. http://www.bdigital.unal.edu.co/1572/

Presentation Manual of Geology
Cap 01: Geological cycle .
Cap 02: Matter and Energy
Cap 03: The Solar System .
Cap 04: The solid Earth and fluid

Cap 05: Minerals
Cap 06: Volcanism
Cap 07: Igneous
Cap 08: Weathering or weathering .
Cap 09: Sedimentary rocks .
Cap 10: Geologic time .
Cap 11: Structural Geology
Cap 12: Rock mass
Cap 13: Metamorphic Rocks
Cap 14: Mountains and orogenic theories
Cap 15: Earthquakes
Cap 16: Movements bulks
Cap 17: Surface water
Cap 18: Underground water
Cap 19: Glaciers and deserts
Cap 20: Geomorphology
Annex 1: Tunnel Manizales http://www.bdigital.unal.edu.co/2046/
Annex 2: Soil Mechanics http://www.bdigital.unal.edu.co/1864/
A.nnex 3: Risk management http://galeon.com/manualgeo/riesgo.pdf
Annex 4: The Moon http://www.bdigital.unal.edu.co/1663/
Annex 5: Economics for the builder http://www.bdigital.unal.edu.co/1698/
Annex 6: Geophysical aspects of the Andes of Colombia http://www.bdigital.unal.edu.co/1580/
Content: Detailed Agenda Chapterhttp://www.bdigital.unal.edu.co/1572/3/geocontenido.pdf
MANUALGEO: http://www.bdigital.unal.edu.co/1572/
 Gonzalo Duque-Escobar (The Author): http://www.bdigital.unal.edu.co/1572/


Soil Mechanics (2002) Duque E. Gonzalo and Escobar P. Carlos E.

National University of Colombia. Digital text of geomechanics, in Spanish. (pdf)

Web: http://www.bdigital.unal.edu.co/1864/

Cap 01: Origin, Soil formation and constitution.

Cap 02: Relationships for Soil volume and weight.

Cap 03: Soil structure and particle size.

Chapter 04: Plasticity of Soils.

Cap 05: Classification and identification of soils.

Cap 06: Capillarity. Hydraulic properties of soils.

Cap 07: Flow Networks.

Cap 08: Soil erosion and its relationship with water.

Chapter 09: Consolidation of soils.

Cap 10: Efforts in Soil.

Cap 11: Mohr Circle Theory.

Cap 12: Shear stress in soils.

Cap 13: Triaxial and failure envelope.

Cap 14: Compaction of soils.

Cap 15: Exploration and soil sampling.

Factors: Table of factors, equivalents and units.

Bibliography: Sources basic and supplementary laboratory.

ANNEX: Geotechnical and Environmental.

Geomechanics for engineers, engineering geology, civil engineering, agricultural engineering; agrology, hydrology, construction engineer, geodynamics, hydrogeology, geology of Colombia; geology manual, manual for engineering geology; Manualgeo, the rock cycle, matter and energy; the solid earth and fluid; solar system, ecology, environment, minerals and rocks, economic geology, weathering and soils; rock masses; geodynamics and geomorphology, earthquakes and landslides, glaciers and deserts, rivers and mountains, geology of mineral Colombia , quartz, hardness, silicate, oxide, sulfide, crystal ore; ferromagnesian, pyrite, gold, clay bond; carbon geological faults, rock mechanics, solar system, weather, climate of Colombia; bimodal climate, ENSO, climate change , global warming, climate change adaptation, extreme weather events, La Niña and El Niño, geomorphology, cycle, eras, weathering, water, climate, change, matter, energy, gravity, electrical, chemical, solid, crystallization erg; spectrum , radar, magnetics, satellite, the sun, moons and planets comets and meteors, Kepler's laws, escape velocity, solar system formation, environmental issues, atmosphere, lithosphere, hydrosphere, mold, thermosphere, ionosphere; asthenosphere , climate, volcanoes, Colombia; Machin; Ruiz, Galeras, Huila, Cerro Bravo, Quindio, Risaralda, Caldas Magdalena River; Chocó Orinoco, Amazon, Colombian Andes, Andean tropics, volcanology, volcanoes, crater dome; boiler eruption , Lava, ash, pumice, Plinian; flow; magma; tefrocronología; Rhyolith; volcanoes, igneous rock, andesite, basalt, granite, Bowen, crystallization, olivine; Streckeisen, lahar, weathering, weathering, soil carbonates, leaching, carbonation; oxidation; andosol, alteration, hydrothermal, tectonic clay montmorillonite; horizon saprolite; calcareous sedimentary rocks, sandstone, shale, conglomerate, diagenesis; consolidation; facies; lithification; geologic time; Paleozoic, Cretaceous, Precambrian quaternary Jurassic; Holocene, Mesozoic, Cenozoic, primary, secondary radioactivity dating; correlation; fails; factory textural, structural works, structural geology; fold; diaclasa; syncline, elasticity, plasticity, deformation, stress, break; traction sinclinorio; geosyncline; solid rocky; discontinuity; wedge; roughness; course; dip; stratification foliation, RQD, metamorphic rocks, solid attitude, metamorphism, marble, schist, gneiss, prograde, slate, phyllite; neocristalización; epidote; Hornfels; metasomatism; mesozona; mountains and orogenesis, orogeny; mountains; land; craton; Manizales, earthquakes, earthquake epicenter, seismograph, intraplate, frequency, accelerogram; seismic risk in Colombia, coda, amplitude, Mercalli, Richter; tsunami amplification; bulks movements, landslides , landslides, flooding, slope, instability, threat hydrogeological, mass movements, groundwater aquifers, wells, artesian, NAF, stalactite, karst, sinkhole, sinkhole, porosity, permeability, capillarity, surface water, tidal, stream, river; infiltration, precipitation, cycle, hydrological, Magdalena; hydrosphere; Amazonas drainage competition ability; loading; river; glaciers, deserts, ice; pleisoceno; moraine; crack; dune, dune, Barjan, storm, snow, firn, ice; fjord, coriolis, kettles, windward, leeward, pedestal, climate, trade winds, glaciers, deserts, landform; Cumanday Tunnel, Tunnel Line, photo interpretation, tone, color, vegetation, diagnosis, texture, Hogback, Flatiron, morphology, hummocky; relief; erosion morphostructure; soils, soil mechanics, geotechnics, geomechanics text, books for engineers, college textbooks, history of geotechnics, soil origin, soil formation; physical chemistry of the clays;clay classes; soil special, limos, arenas, gravel, volume and weight ratios for soils, specific gravity, unit weight, void ratio, soil structure, grain size, plasticity of soils, soil consistency, plastic index, plasticity chart; classification of soils, soil identification, classification USCS, AASHTO classification; capillarity; hydraulic properties of soils; Darcy Law; flow networks; permeameters; erosion soil erosion and its relationship with water, the water in the ground soil consolidation; settlements; efforts on the ground geoestáticos efforts; efforts overloads; effective stress, pore pressure, neutral efforts; Mohr Circle Theory, Theory of Polo; shear in soils shear test , triaxial, failure envelope, soil compaction; trajectory efforts; Line Kf; exploration and soil sampling; embankments, cuts, pavements, foundations, pressures geoestáticas; pressure bulbs; geological references; factors and geotechnical typical values, variables useful in geotechnical, geomechanical properties of the rocks of Manizales photogeological structural analysis; photogeological multitemporal analysis, training Manizales, Casabianca training; Quebradagrande complex; Colombian cordilleras; Cajamarca; Romeral, Cauca-Patia, rock mass classification, classification of CSIR; pressure Support in tunnels self-supporting while, drill and blast; galleries conglomerate; risk threat and vulnerability; susceptibility slip; slopes unstable seismic spectra; amplification seismic struts in tunnels, lining of tunnels, water tunnels pressure; efforts galleries, gable, roof and floor wall; critical block; Barton Lien and Lunde; quality index NGI tunnels; parameter Q of Barton; loading rock abacus Hoek and Brown; online self-support; classification Deere, the coffee; CTS, CT CT &I; &S; research in geosciences, geophysics and engineering;

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